09 MAR 2023

Water update - 27 February

Welcome to our Water Market Update for the week beginning 27 February 2023.

Federal Government Water Buyback

On Friday, after much talk, the federal government announced their 49.2 gigalitre (GL) “Bridging the Gap” voluntary water buyback. The goal of the buyback it to obtain the remaining 49.2 GL of entitlement required to meet the target set under the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
Buybacks will take place in the following regions:

  • NSW Murray (surface water) – 10 GL
  • Namoi (surface water) – 9.5 GL
  • NSW Border Rivers (surface water) – 5.1 GL
  • Barwon Darling (surface water) – 1.6 GL
  • Lachlan (surface water) – 0.9 GL
  • Condamine- Balonne (surface water) – 14 GL
  • Condamine- Balonne (groundwater) – 3.2 GL
  • ACT (surface water) – 4.9 GL

There is no indication of any buying activity in any other valleys and the government will not consider tenders from any valleys outside those set out above.
Strategic purchasing will commence via tender on 23 March 2023, through the AusTender and will close on 26 April 2023. The tender process will ask for details about the water entitlements you would like to offer, including the volume, evidence of ownership arrangements, right to sell and the price being offered. The Commonwealth has not engaged any firms or other third parties to act on its behalf to acquire water entitlements.
For further information, please visit the website of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.


Current allocations are as follows:

Table showing current water allocations across regions.
ZoneAllocation1 year ago+/- per cent
       High Security100 pc100 pcSame
       General Security100 pc100 pcSame
NSW Murray (Zones 10 and 11)   
       High Security 100 pc100 pcSame
       General Security 110 pc110 pcSame
       High Security100 pc100 pcSame
       General Security115 pc125 pc- 10 pc
Vic Murray (Zones 6 and 7)   
       High Reliability100 pc100 pcSame
       Low Reliability100 pc100 pcSame
SA Murray100 pc100 pcSame
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer (all zones)100 pc100 pcSame
Lower Murray Deep Groundwater100 pc100 pcSame
Lower Lachlan Groundwater100 pc100 pcSame

In addition, various enhancements/member benefits have been announced for Irrigation Authority customers. Please contact your Water Authority for terms, conditions and further details.

Supplementary Events

There are some areas where supplementary flows remain active, details of which can be found by clicking the following links:

Trade Restrictions

Murrumbidgee/Murray IVT
Closed for Murrumbidgee to Murray trade with a balance of 85.8 GL.

Barmah Choke

Interstate Trading

A temporary restriction on interstate allocation trading into the NSW Murray and Lower Darling and Murrumbidgee remains in place. These restrictions will remain in force up to and including 31 March 2023, unless that date is amended. The order may be repealed earlier if NSW storage levels are reduced enough to create airspace to safely receive traded water.


According to the Bureau of Meterorology, storage levels are currently as follows:

Table showing current storage levels.
 Current7 Days30 Days1 Year
Murrumbidgee83.1 pc- 1.1 pc- 6.5 pc- 9.8 pc
Blowering82.7 pc- 1.8 pc- 7.8 pc- 13.2 pc
Burrinjuck83.7 pc- 2.0 pc- 5.6 pc- 5.4 pc
Murray93.9 pc- 0.7 pc- 1.3 pc+ 1.9 pc
Hume95.7 pc- 0.7 pc+ 1.2 pc+ 1.8 pc
Dartmouth97.2 pc- 0.6 pc- 2.4 pc+4.5 pc
Lachlan98.1 pcNIL+ 0.3 pcNIL
Wyangala98.1 pcNIL+ 0.3 pcNIL

Current Temporary Market

Indicative pricing is as follows:

Table showing current indicitive pricing.
ZoneBuyersSellersLast Trade
NSW Murray 10 (Above Choke)$10$10$10
NSW Murray 11 (Below Choke)$10$10$10
Vic Murray 6 (Above Choke)$10$15$13
Vic Murray 7 (Above Choke)$15$15$15
SA Murray$10$15$13
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer Zone 1---
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer Zone 2---
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer Zone 3---
Lower Murray Groundwater---
Lower Lachlan Groundwater---

Current Permanent Market

Table showing the current permanent market.
ZonePrice per mL
    High Security$8,900 to $9,000
    General Security $2,500 to $2,600
    Supplementary$800 to $850
NSW Murray Above Choke (Zone 10) 
    High Security$8,000 to $8,100
    General Security$1,600 to $1,700
NSW Murray Below Choke (Zone 11) 
    High Security$9,250 to $9,350
    General Security$2,750 to $2,850
Vic Murray Above Choke (Zone 6) 
    High Reliability$5,000 to $5,100
    Low Reliability$950 to $1,000
Vic Murray Below Choke (Zone 7) 
    High Reliability$7,800 to $7,900
    Low Reliability$1,800 to $1,900
SA Murray Class 3$8,300 to $8,400
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer (zone dependent)$8,300 to $4,500
Lachlan (upper and lower) 
    General Security$1,400 to $1,500
    High Security$4,500 to $4,550
Lower Murray Deep Groundwater$2,700 to $2,800
Lower Lachlan Groundwater$3,500 to $4,000

Seasonal Outlook

The Bureau of Meterology released an updated outlook on 23 February. In summary:

  • For March to May, below median rainfall is likely (60 to 80 pc chance) for most of Australia away from the south-east coast.
  • March to May maximum temperatures are likely to very likely (60 pc to greater than 80 pc chance) to be warmer than median for most of Australia except southern parts of Cape York Peninsula and central parts of the New South Wales coast.
  • March to May minimum temperatures are likely to very likely (60 pc to greater than 80 pc chance) to be warmer than median for western, far south-east and far northern parts of Australia, while below median temperatures are moderately likely (around 60 pc chance) for areas of central Australia and the Kimberley.
  • This forecast reflects the status and outlook for several climate drivers, including a declining La Niña.

Meet the author

Daisy Armstrong

Water Broker
  • Elders Griffith

Daisy is a Water Broker based at Elders Griffith. She commenced with Elders in May 2020 and has been working as a water broker since 2013. 

She grew up on an irrigation property in the New South Wales Riverina and holds a Bachelor of Business from Charles Sturt University. 

Daisy is a member of the Australian Water Brokers Association and specialises in Murrumbidgee, New South Wales Murray and Lachlan trading zones.